We make our way to the ultrasound room and I hopped up on the table. She gelled up my belly and started looking at the baby. The first thing we saw was our little baby's private parts. We are having a BOY!!!!! No doubt about it!! Turns out that drano test worked. I'll have to explain that. Basically you pee in a jar then take it outside to add 2 tbsp to it. Immediately close up the jar and watch it change colors. Keep in mind a person non-pregnant person needs to add the drano. If its brownish black its a boy and if its bluish green its a girl. Well I did it two different times and it was brownish black. My MIL wanted me to try it and she was right. She said it predicted all three of her pregnancies correctly.
Back to my appointment. The lady said the baby was very healthy. I found out I was wrong about how many weeks I am. I guess I misunderstood last time I was there. Instead of 21 weeks and 4 days I'm actually 20 weeks and 4 days. The baby is measuring at 21 weeks and 6 days. That doesn't affect my due date. Our sweet little boy is already weighing 15oz. He had 133 bpm. He was very active during the ultrasound. She showed us the chambers of his heart, kidneys, umbilical cord, and his stomach. She said he looked great. She also took a look at the placenta and it is where its supposed to be. She had a hard time getting a picture of his face. He wanted no part of it. We finally saw a closeup of his face and he looked beautiful. I even saw him open his mouth several times. Almost like he was trying to talk to us. Nathan and I loved every minute of it.
I also found out I gained 3 pounds this time around. Last time I had lost 3. It will be interesting to see how much I gain next time. Now onto the pictures of my beautiful baby boy. :)
He's definitely a boy!!
I love this one of him. Looks like he is blowing bubbles.
Doesn't he look precious??!! The lady said that his skull is still fusing together. So that's why it looks strange.