Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cloth Diapers

Looks like I'm going to give cloth diapers a try. I talked to Nathan about us purchasing some after he gets paid. He's all for it. I'm tired of scrubbing the poo out of Grayson's clothes. He has leaks and blowouts pretty often. We have spent so much money on diapers. So why not put that money into something that can be reused?

We may start enough off with enough to get us through one day. I think I've decided on buying 6 Indian Prefolds, 2 Thirsties Diaper Covers, 2 Snappi Cloth Diaper Fasteners, and 1 bumGenius 3.0 One-Size Cloth Diaper. Hopefully that's a good number to start off with. The total will be $58.43 before s&h and tax. That's like 1 to 2 boxes of disposable diapers that you never see again (unless in a landfill).


  1. I hope they work out for you guys! That sounds like a great number for one day. What detergent will you be using?

  2. I hope so too Cynthia! I'm not sure about what kind detergent. What kind do you use?

  3. We had started off with Tide Free but ended up having problems with smell. We switched to Wonderwash and it worked great. We used that for a long time with no problem. Now I use either Wonderwash or Nellie's, depending on what our cloth diaper store has in stock. They both work great and I'd recommend either of them for cloth diapers.

    There's also a chart here and here that evaluate a huge list of laundry detergents in relation to how well they work with cloth diapers.

    Just don't use Arm and Hammer Essentials even though both sites give it a good cloth diaper rating - it gave my son the worst chemical reaction ever. :( It looked like a burn, and he's never cried so hard and so uncontrollably in his life. It was awful. We used it at my MIL's and had to switch to disposables for the rest of the trip until we could get back home and rewash all the diapers.

  4. Yay for cloth diapers! I'm so excited for you guys! I can't wait to see how it goes. I think hopefully one day I will be able to use cloth diapers. *sigh* now I want a baby. :P

  5. Let me know what you think of the Bum Genius. I have a friend who loves them! Also, if you check out the cloth diapering group in the babycenter community, you can often find coupon codes for purchasing different kinds of diapers!

  6. I used indian prefolds as well as the bumgenius ad they are both great. :)

  7. Thanks for the info Cynthia. I may try out the Planet Ultra Liquid. Its $10.99 for 100 oz. SuperBecca on bloop said that's what she uses. I'd have to buy it online though. That's terrible what Arm and Hammer did to Jacob. Poor guy.

    I'll let you know Christina. Thanks for the tip at babycenter.

  8. WOOT! We've been using cloth since William was a baby.

    I really like the Very Baby All in Ones (VB AIO). They are like a disposable, but washable. And they have cute colors too, and nice for sitters (ha so they say! mine don't see sitters until they are old LOL), and church nurseries.

    They are my favorite with Miss Pickle right now too.
