Friday, November 28, 2008


We had a wonderful first Thanksgiving with Grayson. He was the main attraction of the day(probably will be for a long time). This year I didn't have to cook anything(I missed it). All I had to do was focus on getting myself and Grayson ready. I was thrilled that he was able to fit into his Thanksgiving outfit. He looked absolutely adorable!

We had dinner at Nathan's grandparents first and then later that evening we had another dinner at Franklin & Korey's. There was so much good food and good company.

Here's a few pictures from the day:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Quick Update

I haven't had a chance to really update like I wanted to. I was able to write up a quick list of things that has been going on. Pretty much some of Grayson's firsts. :) IF I remember to I may go more into detail about some of them. I still have so much to catch up on. Eventually this blog may turn into more than just about Grayson. Well, actually it will still be mostly about him. I'm just not sure if I want to keep up 2 blogs...even though my dreaming in technicolor is hardly ever updated. We'll see.

Tuesday, November 11th
Korey took us to his lactation appointment at the hospital. It went well. The lady weighed him and he was 8lbs 9oz. Grayson went to his first restaurant "La Fogata" and first store "Target".

Thursday, November 13th
My Mom drove us to his 1 week check up. He weighed 8lbs 9oz.

Wednesday, November 19th
Grayson's umbilical cord came off while I was changing him. All he had on was a diaper and I picked him up to lay out his clothes. As I put him down I noticed his cord was stuck to the top of his chest. I had blood on my shirt. It really freaked me out but I was happy it came off.

Thursday, November 20th
I drove for the first time in a while. Went to his 2 week check up. He weighed 8lbs 9 1/2 oz.

Sunday, November 23rd
Grayson went to his first family gathering. We celebrated an early Thanksgiving at Nathan's Aunt Marci's house. There were 10 other kids there and it was insanely loud. Grayson slept through the whole thing. He wasn't bothered one bit. Several family members held him. I was a bit nervous, but they stayed close to me as they held him. That made me feel better.

Monday, November 24th
Went to see the Occupational Therapist. He weighed 8lbs 14 1/2 oz.

Tuesday, November 25th
Grayson usually smiles a lot while he sleeps, but today was the first time I ever noticed him smile while he was awake. He wasn't looking at me when he smiled. He was focused on the newspaper I believe. He was looking at it and then the biggest smile came across his face.

Wednesday, November 26th
Grayson went with me to the dentist. Everyone loved looking at him. He did very well. When at home I laid him in the floor on his blanket. He rolled to his left side. That was the first time I've ever seen him do that.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Its going to be a LONG and EXHAUSTING day. Despite that I'm looking forward to celebrating Grayson's first Thanksgiving. I have an adorable outfit for him to wear. I hope he's able to stay in it all day. We have 2 dinners to go to. One at Nathan's Grandparents and the other is at Franklin & Korey's. The grandparents is at 1 and Korey's is at 5pm. We will be doing a lot of eating tomorrow! :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Grayson Allen's Birth Story

Wednesday, November 4th at 12 midnight I got a shower and noticed I was bleeding. I was very concerned. I ended up calling the on call nurse at my doctors office. She said it would be best if I went to the hospital. Nathan and I went straight to the hospital. I had to finish signing some papers and then I was admitted. I was then taken to a room. I had to give a urine sample and then change into a hospital gown. I was asked so many questions and then the nurse checked me. I wasn't dilated at all. She wanted me to walk around the wing for an hour. Nathan went with me. It was very difficult to walk since I've been having major problems with my siactic nerve. We walked around the wing 2 times and it was only for 15 minutes. We went back to the room so I could lay down. I layed down for a few minutes and then walked around my room for 30 minutes. Nathan fell asleep. Finally after an hour the nurse came back. I hadn't dialated any. She told me I probably lost my mucous plug. It was time to go home. I believe we left sometime after 3am.

Around 6 that morning I started having real contractions. They actually woke me up off and on. Nathan slept in since we had a late night before. I informed him that I was having real contractions. I started timing them. I was told I should go in when my conctractions are 5 minutes apart and last 1-2 hours. I had planned on trying to labor at home as much as possible. Before Nathan went to work he waited on the exterminator to come. While the guy was here I sat on the deck having contractions. They ranged anywhere from 6-15 minutes apart. After the guy left Nathan took me to his parents house. We didn't feel it was a good idea for me to stay home by myself since this seemed like the real thing. His Mom helped me so much with my breathing. The breathing techniques really helped me. Although there were some contractions that were so intense that I didn't know if I was going to make it through. During contractions I couldn't talk or hear anybody around me. If I had one while standing I had to stay that way, same goes for sitting. It made it real difficult to eat or drink anything too. I could feel this weird cramping all the way in my butt and thighs. I had to hurry and get bites of food down to make sure I wouldn't choke. I never in my life have experienced so much pain. I kept reminding myself that with every contraction I was that much closer to meeting my little boy. While I was at Nathan's parents house I was able to take a couple of naps. That was when my contractions had spaced out a bit. We ate supper with his family that night. Then Nathan and I went home.

We went to bed around 11:30 that Wednesday night. I couldn't go to sleep because my contractions had gotten much stronger. I ended up getting up at 12:30 Thursday morning and going in the livingroom. I started keeping track of how far apart they were in notepad on my computer. By 3:11am my contractions were 4-5 minutes apart. They had been that way for about an hour. There was one contraction that was 8 minutes apart, but it was the only one. They became so intense that I started sobbing. I couldn't take it anymore so I went to wake Nathan up. I remember waking him up and him sitting up halfway in bed. He was so out of it. I kept saying, "Nathan its time, lets go to the hospital." All he would say is okay and stay in bed a bit longer. I had 2 contractions while waiting on him to get out of bed. He finally got up and took his sweet time to get ready. I thought I was going to die from all the pain and waiting on him. I had several more contractions while he took his time. Turn's out he thought it may be false labor again (even though the first time I went was the beginning stages of labor). I knew if he took the time to shave I would have hurt him. While he was putting on his shoes I told him I was going to walk out to the car before I had another contraction. I got the car door open and before I could even get in I had one. I couldn't even move. When it was over I was able to sit in the car and Nathan finally got in. By the time we left my contractions were 4 minutes apart. It took 20-25 minutes to get to the hospital. I had one every 4 minutes on the way there. The pain was FIERCE. Nathan went inside and a man came out with the wheelchair. Nathan parked the car and I waited in the lobby. Thankfully all our paperwork was all finished. Nathan took me straight up to the 4th floor and they took me to a room. I was hooked up to a few monitors and then the nurse checked my cervix. Her eyes got big and she said I was already 4-5cm dilated. She immediately said she'd be right back and that she was paging my doctor. It was official my baby was on his way. Nathan and I were so happy and nervous. When she came back she went over a few questions that have already been asked to me the night before. She asked if I still didn't won't an epidural. I told her I changed my mind and I wanted that epidural. I even asked her when could I have it. That wasn't my original plan. I wanted to go without an epidural but the pain was TOO much for me. I had to have it. I did labor almost 24 hours before going to the hospital and without any meds. I'm not ashamed for taking the epidural. More power to the women who can go without. Once the nurse came back I was taken to a new room.

Everything seemed to go so fast. I had Nathan to call our families and text several people. I was hooked up to a blood pressure cuff and other monitors again. The nurse gave me an IV. It didn't hurt that much since I was having contractions so bad. Finally the Anethesiologist came in. I was slightly nervous about having the epidural. Especially knowing your having this needle go into your back. They got me to sit up...which was so hard. I remember sitting on the side of the bed and praying, "Please dear God don't let this hurt. Let this be the right decision." In the middle of them prepping me I started to have another contraction. I never felt the needle. I was already in a lot of pain to feel anything else. Honestly, it was a piece of cake. It didn't take long for it to kick in. My legs felt numb and tingly. Even though that was a weird feeling it sure did beat the pain. I also had an extra bottle of medicine that I could push a button to receive it. Sometime after 5 or 6am Nathan's parents and sister came. Then sometime later Korey and my parents came. Every so often a nurse or the doctor would come check on me. At one point one of the doctors came in and broke my water. I was really surprised. I had so many plans and they changed. I know that's normal. Despite it all I believe things happened as they should have. That's just me. At one point they put an oxygen mask on me to give Grayson some more air. Sometime after 9am(not sure of specific time) it was time for everyone to leave the room. The nurse came in and she had me to start pushing. It was wonderful having Nathan there helping. It was a weird feeling to push since I had that epidural. She had me push several times during each contraction. Then I got to rest some. They were able to see the top of his head. She went to get Dr. Smith and that's when a whole team of people came into the room. Nathan stood by my side the whole time and he was the one who would adminster the oxygen to me. He became a pro. It was time to finally really start pushing. I'm not sure how long it took to get him out but I don't think it was long. Unfortunately they had to use the vacuum on him. The reason was because he had his arm against the side of his face. So he was coming head and arm first. Nathan saw the whole thing. I couldn't hardly believe it. It was also a weird feeling when he was actually out. Almost like a popping feeling. Grayson Allen was born at 10:14am Thursday November 6th. When I first laid eyes on Grayson Allen I was just in awe. I heard his first cry and was just amazed how that little human being was mine and Nathan's. We helped create him. Truly extraordinary. I was amazed when they laid him on my chest. All I could say to him was, "I love you!" I admit I didn't cry at the time but I have cried happy tears since then. I was so amazed by the love I have for him. After a few minutes they took him off my chest. They weighed and cleaned him up next to me. I was gobsmacked when they told me he weighed 9lbs 2oz and 21 1/5 inches long. I had no clue he would be that BIG!! Especially since I only gained maybe 12 pounds. It was a proud moment when Nathan was able to hold him. I'll remember that image for the rest of my life. He was smitten. I've never in my life seen that look in his eyes. It made me fall even more in love with him. I was anxious to hold Grayson again but I had to wait. After I delivered the placenta they had to sew me up. Turns out I had torn and they also did the episitomy before I tore anymore. I had no clue. I remember seeing a group of people staring at my lady parts and seeing the doctor sew with something that looked like piano wire. I actually said, "So what's going on down there." LOL That's when they informed of what happened. I gave myself a few shots of that medicine while they did that. I seriously don't think I could have handled all of that without the epidural. I was so happy when they were finished.

Nathan handed me Grayson and I was thrilled. I tried breast-feeding and it seemed to go well(even though it turn's out he never latched on properly). The nurse told me to feed him 1oz of formula to boost his sugar. She said it was usually low at first in big babies. After Nathan and I had some time with Grayson the family came in. The room was full! There was like 10 people. Melody and my Mamaw made it there in time. Sadly my brother in law Christopher couldn't be there. He's in Charleston and had classes. He was so upset. Nathan did text him some pictures though. Everyone was good about taking turns holding Grayson. It didn't take long for them to give Grayson back to us. The nurse came in to give him his bath. I was so happy they did it in the room. She washed him right next to me. Then I got him back. Everyone started getting hungry and left for lunch. It was nice just being the three of us. Nathan ordered us some food. Our first meals as parents. The food was actually pretty good. A while later some of our family came back. Then later that night our friends Cody, Adrienne, and Kelly came by.

If you read all of that, I applaud you. I still have plenty more to write about.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Life changing

Life has vastly changed forever in our lives. Its wonderful and exhausting. I haven't had time to write his birth story yet. I've been focusing on keep this little guy happy and trying to catch some z's whenever I can. As soon as I finish this post I'm going to take a quick nap.

Grayson turned a week old on Thursday. I can't hardly believe it. That week flew by. Even though I have been exhausted I can't imagine life any other way. Grayson has brought so much joy into our lives.

Grayson loves his fingers! He makes it difficult to be fed sometimes.
Mommy giving kisses.
Grayson in his going home outfit to take his hospital picture.
Cute feet.

Monday, November 10, 2008

He's Arrived!!

Our bundle of joy arrived on Thursday November 6, 2008 at 10:14am. He was 2 days early. His name is Grayson Allen Gary. He weighed 9lbs. 2oz. and is 21 1/2 inches long. He's absolutely perfect. Nathan and I are so in love with him. Its amazing how much love I have for this little boy.

Here's pictures for your viewing pleasure:

Our beautiful little family.

I'll try to update soon. I want to write about his birth. Things are pretty chaotic but so worth it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

39 week check up & an update

I'm 4 days away from my due date. Its insane! There has been so much going on here. We closed on a house on October 30th and moved in November 2nd. Our new house is great, but very cluttered in certain parts of the house. So many unpacked boxes. Baby's room is filled to the brim. Some of his clothes are hung up and that is it. I probably would have more done if Nathan's Aunt(the one we bought the house from)hadn't left some of her stuff here. She's supposed to be getting the rest of it tomorrow since her building is finished. We shall see.

This morning I went to vote at 7:30. That was difficult. I wasn't hurting too bad at first while waiting in line. Then after 20 minutes that's when the pain began. I had to wait in line for 50 minutes. That didn't help at all, but at least I was able to vote.

Fews after voting I was in so much pain when I walked. It felt like he was on a nerve. The sharp pain starts on the left side in the middle of my back and works its way down to the back of my thigh. Its almost unbearable to walk. It made it difficult for me to get ready and go meet Nathan's family for lunch at 11:30.

I had my doctors appointment at 2:30 and Breanne went a long with me since I was hurting so bad. After the long wait I was weighed. I only gained 1 pound. Since it hurt so much to sit down and then get back up the nurse took my blood pressure standing. My blood pressure was 130/80. I was taken back to the room. When I sit down for a little bit the pain isn't as intense. The nurse took my blood pressure again and it was much better. It was 116/68.

Debbie the nurse practitioner checked my cervix. I haven't dilated any but the baby has dropped. She could actually feel the baby's head. I was so amazed by that. She also said how my cervix is thinning out. That's great news! She basically said he can come at any time or even be week late. Its a waiting game really. She told me that pain I'm feeling is the sciatic nerve and it is probably because he's so low. I was happy to hear that I can take Tylenol PM to help me sleep at night. I have another appointment for next Tuesday at 2:45. The lady at the desk said she doubts I'll be there next week.

It still hurts so much when I walk, but I'll get through it. I've been experiencing some more cramping. I do wonder when I'll go into labor. It may not be long.